Pelagic Trips
Tour Payments
Chile Tour 2025/2026 deposit
Deposit for 2025 or 2026 Chile - and Birds and Wine Tours. Includes credit card service charge.
Bhutan - Thailand Tour Deposit
Deposit for the Bhutan or Thailand Tour - Refund details are in the itinerary. Includes credit card service charge.
Hotel San Jose de Puembo - Pre/Post Galapagos Tour. Per night price.
Adjust quantity for the number of nights staying pre/post at the hotel.
Finland and Arctic Norway Tour Deposit
Per person tour deposit for the Finland and Arctic Norway Tour. Note that the credit card fees have been added to the $500 amount.
Deposit - Svalbard + Finland/Arctic Norway for Sonja
20% of twin window cabin - $1290
$500 deposit for Finland/Norway
2.9% credit card fee.
South Africa Birds and wine deposit - per person
$500 deposit for South Africa Birds and Wine - plus credit card charge.