Alaska The Pribilofs and Nome - with Utqiagvik extension
- Sold Out - contact us to be put on wait list.
- Led by Alvaro Jaramillo and George Armistead.
- In partnership with Hillstar Nature
- Download the 2024 itinerary Download the Utqiagvik 2024 itinerary
- June 5 - 15, 2024 with Utqiagvik extension (formerly Barrow) June 15 - 19, 2024
- Price $8100 - from Anchorage, includes internal flights.
- $2500 for Utqiagvik extension, which can be taken separately. From Anchorage, includes round trip fare to Utqiagvik.
- The highlight areas of Alaska, where breeding shorebirds fill the skies with flight song and display.
- Nome is an area where many Asian species breed, such as Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Bluethroat, Arctic Warbler.
- Bristle-thighed Curlew and Muskox! Along with the possibility of amazing rarities, and beautiful common breeding species.
- St. Paul on the Pribilof Islands is a natural wonderland, where thousands of alcids breed, and some isolated odd endemic forms such as the local Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, Pacific Wren and Rock Sandpiper.
- Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow) is as far north as you can go in the United States. Perhaps we will find the elusive Polar Bear, or Snowy Owls all four eider species are possible here, as you hear the spaceship sounds of displaying Pectoral Sandpipers. One never knows what you could find and yes, you are in the land of midnight sun!
- An unforgettable experience for scenery, birds and the chance to bird this area with George and Alvaro. Note that it is likely that the Pribilof section will be led by George in conjunction with local guides. Alvaro will be there for the rest of the tour.